• Literacy & Education

    Stories, Events, Information, and Presentations Linking Boxing with the Value of Literacy
    To arrange a class presentation, speaking engagement, or any educational project involving the value of literacy and the discipline of boxing,

    contact Mark Connor at: [email protected] or (612) 369-3778


Dundee’s View with Bert Sugar

NewYorkPicturesSeptember21-October2-2010-2Dundee’s View with Bert Sugar

a great one

Angelo Dundee’s autobiography, My View from the Corner: A Life in Boxing, written with (which always means by) the great boxing journalist Bert Sugar, has greatly enhanced my enjoyment of the Christmas season. Dundee begins with a description of the small but significant details a trainer takes care of to give his fighter the advantage necessary for victory, explaining some tricks used by various masters of the art like Ray Arcel, Freddy Brown, and himself. He then recounts his entrance into boxing when he followed his older brothers into the gym and then into the business as a trainer in New York, establishing himself as a world class cornerman before his most famous protegĂ©, Muhammad Ali (who wrote the forward), came to him. Of course he has the other superstars, like Sugar Ray Leonard and late in his career Big George Foreman, and all his other experiences to tell you about in this book. To get your copy and learn to be a great boxing trainer, click here.

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